"Your Best Printing Choice, where Quality & Price meet"
File Transfer / Compatible Platforms
Our cross-platform computers and softwares allow us to accept a wide variety of graphic files, word processing documents, charts, graphs and more. We use Macintosh and PC computers to create, process and output files in almost every format possible. You can send us your files on-line via email art@print-o-graph.com, on CD, DVD, memory card or flash drive. If your file size is too large that can not go via email you can share your files via Dropbox or we can send file request then you can upload your zipped files. Please notify us after uploading. We will archive your files and images so the next reorder is just a phone call call away.
Before emailing your file(s) Please compress a directory or folder with the documents that you will be sending. Please do not send self-extracting archives. If you are sending several files, please put them into one folder and compress that folder.
Please send final proofs. Final proofs are a very important part of the process. There are a couple of options for submitting these proofs.
Best option for sending proofs: Create a PDF file to send as a proof. Create a PDF file and compress it to a very small size. You need to have Adobe Acrobat to create the PDF and it is critical to proof laser printed from the PDF file before submitting it to Print-O-Graph of America.
Second Best Option: Send the final proofs over via courier. This is costly and time consuming but we will have high quality proofs with which to work.